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Mussolini Doll - elastolin, original doll from the 1940s, 2x2x8cm - 2018


»The Mussolini doll is an original children doll from the 40th of the last century. Produced in germany the aim was for this kind of toys to introduce the fascist political leaders to the youngest members of the society. It was a straight propagandistic tool to foster the nationalistic ideology and their members and symbolism. Symbols of fascism became a game and the leaders were superheroes. On this specific toy only the right arm of Mussolini was movable so that the classic fascist arm sign was executable by the children. Obviously this arm was used so many times that it broke away from the rest of the body. The toy looks in its appearance mutilated and useless. The strong attitude which it should represent and carry is not existing anymore.«

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